South Africa Cherry (250 Grams Pack)

Regular price Rs. 400.00


About the Product
  • Red coloured Iranian cherries are round with slight heart shapes and dimples at the stem end.
  • These red coloured fruits have firm and juicy flesh with a sweet-tart flavour.

  • Cherries reduce arthritis pain and lower the risk of stroke.
  • They are rich in fiber and vitamin C.
  • Cherries also reduce belly fat and supports healthy sleep.
Storage and Uses

  • Refrigerate them immediately. Do not keep them at room temperature as they lose their quality soon.
  • Cherries are a quick, delicious snack. Embellish your oatmeal, custards, salads, desserts with cherrries.
  • They make a great toppings. Blend them into thick and attractive smoothies.